One way to earn extra money from the Internet is by joining Paid to Click (PTC) site. PTC is a site that provide a place for advertiser to advertise there ads and also for free member who can earn some money from just by clicking and seeing those ads in several seconds, usually for 30 seconds. So, why we got paid just by clicking ads? It's too simple right? Yup, why not...People or the members of that site will be more interested to see the ads even though they not really need the information from that ads, but just for earn some money from it. For the advertiser, not only they can get a new customer or member but also can get traffics too.
For each ads, usually you can get $0.01 or 1 cent. One PTC site usually provide 5 - 10 ads everyday and you can not see a same ads in a same day, you need to wait until 24 hours if you want to see that again. So, you need to do this continue everyday.
To join PTC site is 100% FREE, no cost at all. All you need to have are personal computer, access to the Internet,
Paypal or
Alertpay account, time and be a patience person. Why should be a patience person? Yes, you have to be, because at the first time you will feel a little bit bored. It's because you do same things everyday, clicking a same ads. But it will change if you have a lot of referral to manage.
If you wants to make a big earning for this site, there are several way to do that :
- Join more than one PTC site that you can trust. One of the best PTC site : click here.
- Look for referrals. What is referrals? click here.
- Upgade your account. By upgrading your account you can earn twice more than being a standard member.
- Learn the tips and tricks from PTC forum. By using good strategy and technic probably you can earn big money from this kind of program.
So, what are you waiting for? Join now, trust me, you wont regret it. Because so many people in this world can life just by following this kind of program and they can earn $100 until $1000 even more every month. Or maybe if you have any suggestion and opinion about PTC, be free to leave a comment here.