- Search and rename file msvbvm60.dll at C:/Windows/System32. Just rename it to other file name but easy to remember because you need to rename it back. For example you can rename it to msvbvm60x.dll. Then restart your computer.
- After you restart your computer, there is an error message. It's fine because the virus need msvbvm60.dll to run.
- Open regedit and search keyword CtDrv then delete all key and value that cotained those keyword.
- Then search again keyword conime.exe, delete all key and value, remmember don't delete folder. Close regedit.
- Use Search and look for CtDrv*.exe and conime.exe and use Shift + Del.
- Rename back the msvbvm60x.dll to msvbvm60.dll like before.
- Restart your computer.
- Download and install Mallware Bytes then scan.
- After Mallware Bytes found the infeted file, remove it.
- If when you run the scanning proccess but suddenly it stop and close it's mean you need to repeat the 1st step.
Conime.exe - CtDrvMgv.exe - CtDrvMfa.exe - CtDrvMfk.exe - dan CtDrvM*.exe
For you who infected by this kind of virus that make your internet connection run very slow here is several step that you can do to erase this virus :
Earning From PayPal Wishlist
Today, I got paid from PayPal Wishlist. At the first time I just joined it for fun, but with this proof, it made me exciting about this one. Because all you need to do is share your PayPal Wistlist from Facebook to all of your friends, each friend who joined, you will earn $1 from it. So, what are you waiting for? Join here, and start your own earning just by sharing your wish to all of your friend. Quite easy, isn't it? I beat you have many friends in your Facebook account.
Here is the proof :
Blogger network community.
with the link-free-on this all blogger who have supported and have support, will be traffic coming from the link-free-on. Network system aimed at community blogger to increase blog traffic / page rank (PR).
With your approval, and up as a blogger for the support, with the already joined your blog with link-free-on.
you have the link-free-on to include a link to your blog link in the list of link-free-onand post on one, two or more post from the blog that you have quality traffic and we will post the link-free-on with include (readmore..) refers to the original site, that is your blog.
With the visitor in the link-free-on is a potential visitor on your blog.
How to join:
- Visit the link-free-on
- Leave a comment and put your blog link in the message box
- copy the given script code
- post articles (script code) in your blog (simply paste in the html post, for example: future will look like this article)
- Place the link link-free-on.blogspot.com in your blog
- Wait we'll review your blog back
LINK-FREE-ON (Support indonesia & english language, NO SARA, NO PORN)
We reserves the right to refuse to have a blog SARA and PORN
More info visit:
Success, Go BLOG
NeoBux - Winning Contest Payment
Last month, one of NeoBux Ultimate Member from Indonesia - Deddy Irawan held a contest for Standard Members who can make the most value clicks of ads for 1 week. As a Standart Member of course I won't miss this chance. I did my best and at the end of the contest, I got 31 ads, not bad huh?? But you know what, there is other member can clicks until 50 ads.
Even I only got 31 ads, but I still won $1 from Bro Deddy as an exchange for the traffic price, Thank's bro....
Only in NeoBux you can have fun like this, not only you can earn extra money from here but also there are so many things that make me love NeoBux so much, like this kind of contest. I hope next time there are another contest again and I can be the First Winner or maybe you wanna be next, join here.
NeoBux - My First Payment
And I guaranteed that my next payment will be more than this.
NeoBux - The Best PTC Ever
Posted by
Rudy Hartono
Paid to Click
Comments: (0)
Yes...NeoBux, I can tell you that this site is the best PTC site ever. I thinks this is the most favorite PTC site in PTC world and I have no doubt about it. NeoBux paid their member $ 0.01 ever ads they see for 39 seconds. For Standard member, NeoBux provided 4 ads everyday and for Golden member, NeoBux provided 9 ads everyday, but if you lucky you can get 8 until 12 ads everyday.
You can use Paypal or Alertpay to sent and receive your payment and it's very fast. Just in a second your payment process done, just like blinking your eyes. Wanna see the proof of my first payment from NeoBux? click here.
Like other PTC site, you can also increase your earning just by looking for direct referrals or rent referrals from NeoBux. You can rent one referral $ 0.25 for 30 days and you can extend for next 60 days with 10% discount or extend for next 90 days with 20% discount. What a great offer. Don't forget to go to the forum. The NeoBux family is so friendly and welcome, they also love to share anything about their experiences.
So, let's start your first PTC program with NeoBux and it's 100% FREE. Click here to join or click on this banner.
What is Referral?
Posted by
Rudy Hartono
Paid to Click,
Comments: (0)
In the PTC world, referral is the most important things that you need to have. More referral that you can get, more money you can earn. Referral is a person who registered to the site through of recommendation from other who have registered on that site before. That site offers a feature for their member which they can recommend the site to other person to join the site too. All you have to do is give the link that will use for candidate referral to register and when that person have signed in to the site, automatically that person became your referral.
So, why looking for many referrals is so important in PTC program? Because every earing that your referral made, you also get that earing too. In other word, your referral earn for you, double your earning. So, more referral that you can get, it will be increase your earning everyday.
Here is one of earing example of PTC site if you have refferals :
- You do 10 clicks every day = $ 0.10
- 20 of your referrals make 10 clicks every day = $ 2.00
- Your daily income = $ 2.10
- Your weekly income = $ 14.70
- Your monthly income = $ 63.00
And what if you have more than 20 referrals? Just count it by your self...
But if seem like hard to get referral, some PTC site have feature for rent referral. So you can rent them to click for you. Usually it is only $ 0.30 each referral for one month and you can rent as much as you want (depend on ToS of the site).
So, what are you waiting for? Start you earning now...Enjoy.